"Look only like yourself, or at least try ..."
Born in Marseille in 1948, Jean-Pierre Missistrano went to Paris at the age of six.
A magnet to draw from an early age, he began painting around adolescence, his first oil paintings date back to the '65s.
Hesitating between an artistic or medical career, he obtained a diploma of masseur-physiotherapist in 1974 which will constitute his main professional activity.
Exercising in the Paris region until the 2000s he decided to go down to continue in the Var.
The natural light helping, it emerges brushes, follows different courses first in summer school at the National School of Fine Arts in Paris, then Ecole des Beaux Arts La Seyne sur Mer, and also Toulon.
He continues his training with private teachers: Renaud Jobin in Six-Fours, Adrien Coppola in watercolor in Giens, as well as many internships and studies with eminent "masters" in this field.
He participates in various competitions that he finishes very honorably:
- Finalist of the Boesner Aquarelle 2011 national competition, in Bordeaux, with "La felouque sur le Nil"
- Second in the Boesner Acrylic National Contest, 2013, in Lyon, with "The Menara Basin"
- He is officially listed at a charity auction, by auctioneer Aude Ceysson-Ferrari, in 2014, in Fayence.
Its certification will be confirmed and formalized by Jacques-Armand Akoun, official expert, established at € 600 the 15P in 2015 and 2016, revalued at € 700 the 15P in 2017.
- He is selected on international competition to participate in the 1st Tropical Watercolor Festival of IWS Costa Rica, which will take place from 17/9 to 21/9/2018 in San José, with his work "De la Reppe à la mer ", which will represent France and will be exhibited for one month from 17/9 to 19/10/20
Courants et artistes appréciés :, "Les Impressionnistes", "J-M-W. Turner"
The artist at work
2014 Estimation officielle de la côte artiste par Commissaire-Priseur Fayence, France
2013 Deuxième prix du Concours Boesner Lyon. Acrylique. 2013 Lyon, France
2011 Finaliste du concours Boesner , Aquarelle. 2011. Bordeaux, France
2023 Exposition solo Château de Mauvanne . Festival Art et Vin. Juillet-Août 2023. Hyères (83), Provence Côte d'Azur, France
2021 Invité d'Honneur des Journées Rencontres des Chirurgiens Dentistes du Var. Juin 2021. La Garde (83), Provence Côte d'Azur, France
2025 "Eau en couleurs". Exposition consacrée par la municipalité de Six-Fours en duo avec Elisa M. Six-Fours-les-Plages, VAR, France
2024 Salon International de l'AEA-F. Galerie Nesle PARIS VI, France
2023 40ème Salon International de l'AEAF. Galerie Nesle. PARIS VI, France
2022 Salon d'Hiver de l'AEA-F. Galerie Thuillier Paris III, France
2022 Salon de Normandie Honfleur, Normandie, France
2021 Salon d'Hiver de l'AEA-F. Galerie Thuillier Paris III, France
2020 Salon des Indépendants. Capital Art 2020. du 11 au 16/2/2020 Paris. (Grand Palais)., France
2020 Salon du Dessin et de la Peinture à l'Eau. Capital Art 2020. 11 au 16/2/2020 Paris. (Grand Palais)., France
2019 Salon d'Hiver de l'Académie Européenne des Arts du 6 au 12/12/2019 Paris. (Galerie Thuillier), France
2019 1er Festival International d'aquarelle de l'IWS Afrique du Sud. 3 au 9 Septembre : Cape Town, South Africa
2019 Exposition d'aquarelle des élèves d'A. Coppola. 1 au 8 Septembre GIENS, France
2019 2ème Biennale Internationale Kipus Bolivia. 15/10 au 10/11 COCHABAMBA, Bolivia
2019 Biennale Internationale d'Aquarelle IWS-Albanie. 20 au 30/9 TIRANA, Albania
2019 2ème Triennale d'Aquarelle IWS-Bulgarie. 1 au 31/7 VARNA, Bulgaria
2019 Première Exposition Internationale d'Aquarelle de l'IWS-Finlande. 9 au 14/7 HELSINKI, Finland
2019 Première Exposition Internationale d'Aquarelle de l'IWS-Roumanie. 1 au 30/4 BUCAREST, Romania
2018 Premier Festival Tropical d'Aquarelle. 17 au 20/9/18 SAN-JOSE, Costa Rica